Monday, February 22, 2010

Idea Share

I am getting really excited for the MD Teacher Idea Share that I am hosting on Thursday. Today I was pulling lessons/projects that I wanted to share and came across the following:

Calendar Books:

Materials needed: old calendar, construction paper, glue, scissors, markers, hole punch, velcro and yarn.

1. take apart and old calendar
2. cover the "date" side with construction paper (glue it on)
3. have your child/students write sentences (dictate them to you if needed) describing the picture
4. type the sentence and print them in large print.
5. glue the sentences on to the corresponding pages
6. assemble in order and bind the pages with yarn
7. cut out the small preview pictures on the back cover of the calendar.
8 stick a velcro dot on the back of each picture and one on each page.
9. match the small picture with its big match.

this activity makes use of your old calendars and allows you to help your child be creative. It also helps with mathcing skills and reading. The sky is the limit!!!

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